About Us
What is Chilis on Wheels?
Our Beginnings...
Chilis on Wheels was started in November of 2014 by Michelle Carrera. When she couldn't find a soup kitchen that served a vegan Thanksgiving meal, she decided to prepare her own chili and take it directly to the community. After seeing first hand the need for such a program, she became inspired and committed to bringing vegan food to those in need.
Our Mission...
Chilis on Wheels makes veganism accessible to communities in need through services such as meal shares, food demos, clothing drives, and mentorship. We provide networks of support and build strong empowered communities within the areas that we serve, as we work with groups offering food to the community, to transition their offerings to plant-based meals.
Our Culture...
We believe in treating all living beings with kindness, empathy, and respect regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, ability, ethnicity, class, circumstance, environment, level of addiction, or species. Because of this, we do not turn away anyone in need of our assistance.
Our Vision...
Chilis on Wheels believes that an empowered community is key in dismantling systematic inequalities that prevent veganism from being attainable by poor and low-income communities. Through our networks of support, we're collectively building alternate systems to make veganism accessible to the areas that we serve.
Our Network's Services
With the goal of making veganism accessible to communities in need, all of the services our networks offer are free of charge. Visit your local organization’s page in our network to find out which of the following are offered near you.
Meal Shares
Through our regularly scheduled meal shares, we provide vegan food to anyone in need of a warm meal. In addition to chili, we now offer a wide range of vegan meal options to best cater to our communities needs.
Upon request, we provide vegan workshops for the members of our communities. From food demos to talks on veganism, we'll work with your church, community center, school, or group in whatever way we can.
Clothing Drives
During our clothing drives, we provide free weather-appropriate, cruelty-free clothing in good conditions to anyone in need.
Free Store
Our Free Store offers cruelty-free toiletries, sleeping bags, and a variety of other objects upon request.
Vegan Dog Food
Contrary to popular belief, dogs are actually omnivores- making meat-free diets appropriate for canines. Because of this, we provide free vegan dog food for our clients with dogs upon request.
We offer a free, 21 day program which includes daily informative emails, a full cost-effective meal plan, and a mentor of a similar background.
With millions of farmed animals being exploited, we provide a space where animal liberation is possible.
We work with groups providing food to the community, to transition their food offerings to plant-based meals.
Special Events
From movie nights to holiday celebrations, we host a wide range of events for the communities we work with.
What is Veganism?
A vegan does not use, wear, or eat animals or animal products, or products that have been tested or are dependent on the exploitation of animals. Although there are many reasons to go vegan, the following are some of the most common…

for the animals

for the environment

for your health

for Justice
All animals want to live, love, and be free. Veganism ensures that animals are not exploited through the commodification of their bodies and body-secretions. On dairy farms, mother cows are immediately separated from their newborns and forced provide milk to farmers rather than their calves. In factory farms, egg-laying hens are crammed into filthy cages- unable to move or spread their wings. These are only a few of the many injustices that farm animals experience on a daily basis. All animals have the right to freedom.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change. Methane gas, land clearing needed for grazing, animal waste seeping into waterways are only a few of the awful environmental side-effects of animal agriculture.
A plant-based diet helps reduce your risk for developing certain cancers, and lower your blood pressure which helps reduce your chance of heart-related illnesses while supporting your immune system. Type 2 diabetes is entirely preventable, and plenty of research suggests a plant-based diet can help ward off the disease.
Animal agriculture consistently oppresses communities of color. Factory farms are often located in poor communities, polluting the air and water, driving property costs down, and taking tax breaks instead of contributing to a town. Slaughterhouse and processing-plant workers, mostly people of color are some of the most exploited workers, routinely denied health care, living wages, union opportunities, and enduring hostile and physically dangerous working environments.
Give Today
We are funded by your generous support. Make a secure donation via credit card or PayPal to your favorite organization in our Network.
Donate Cruelty-Free Items
Visit your local organization's page in our network for more information regarding their donation wish list.